School Council President
Thank you for visiting Amsleigh Park Primary school online.
I am proud to be part of this vibrant and progressive school community and am sure you will find lots of really helpful and important information through the pages of this site.
Amsleigh Park was born from the union of East Oakleigh and Amstel Primary Schools back in the early 1990’s. Tucked away behind the East Oakleigh Shopping Village, the school is known as Oakleigh’s hidden gem. Never has a description been so true. The School’s purpose to “To provide a safe and inclusive community that fosters resilience, innovation connection and lifelong learning,” is lived and demonstrated every day. Through this vision, teachers and support staff help to empower students across classroom learning and broader community activities. The Student Representative Council is a great example of this in action. Students are able to demonstrate their leadership and responsibility through activities as varied as suggestions for school improvements to proactively fundraising for worthy causes throughout the year.
The teaching staff at Amsleigh are among the most committed people I have met. In addition to their daily responsibilities as facilitators of learning and social cohesion, our teachers are committed to a broad and comprehensive extra-curricular program. Children at the school reap the benefits of this commitment through activities such as:
- “Leigh Club” Choir
- School Aerobics Program
- Comprehensive Outdoor Education Program starting with Year 2 “sleepover’ through to the Grade 6 full week camp
- Participation in University of New South Wales Award program
- Subscriptions to Reading Eggs and Mathletics program
- Opportunities to be recognised in the Kiwani’s “Teriffic Kids” program
- Music, dance, self expression, drama and public speaking through the annual School Production
- Opportunities to lead school assemblies
- Music Program
- and many more…
Of course, Amsleigh Park has a strong focus on all the core curriculum areas you would expect of a great state school, Literacy, Mathematics, ICT, Physical Ed, Inquiry, The Arts and Language. Under the leadership of Principal, Michael Cormick and his team, Amsleigh is helping to grow the leaders of tomorrow.
Welcome to our school.
Ana Meyborg
School Council President
School Council
The School Council is made up of 8 parents members, 3 staff members and the Principal.
The School Council oversees the financial and general organisation of the school.
The School Council has a number of sub committees which include
- Finance
- Education
- Buildings and Grounds
Strategic Plan

Amsleigh Park Primary School aims to provide an attractive, secure and stimulating educational environment to which children are eager and excited to come and learn. We as a school:
- Believe in the promotion of endeavour, self esteem and excellence amongst individuals in out school community.
- Believe in the importance of a partnership between children, parents, teachers and the local community.
- Believe in a caring, unified and responsive school environment, where the individual needs of children are met, and where all children, whatever the level of their ability, are treated with respect and are encouraged to reach their full potential.
- Believe that each child has the right to learn, the right to feel safe and the right to equal opportunity for success in their endeavours.
- Believe that each teacher has the right to teach, the right to feel safe and the right to be treated with courtesy and respect.
- Believe that the school curriculum should be adaptable and reflect the future needs of our society.
- Believe that a variety of teaching methods should be used, depending upon individual students situations, including the fostering of the inquiring mind, developmental learning and practical experiences.
Amsleigh Park is a place to be proud of, where out motto “Our Best Always” is a real part of our school life.
Digital Technologies Policy 2023
Statement Of School Philosophy 2023
Student Engagement And Wellbeing Policy 2023
Administration Of Medications Policy 2023
Anaphylaxis Management Policy 2023
Camps And Excursions Policy 2023
Inclusion And Diversity Policy 2023
For more information about parent payments – Click on the following link to access the Department of Education Policy. Link to Parent Payment Policy
If any members of the Amsleigh Park Primary School Community have any questions or would like to provide feedback on any of our School Policies please contact our General Office on 9544 1553 or via email at

Child Safe Standards
Amsleigh Park Primary School is committed to safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making.
Amsleigh Park Primary School has zero tolerance for child abuse. This policy will apply to all members of the Amsleigh Park Primary School community and be inclusive of all school related activities, processes and procedures.
Our Child Safety Policy sets out the school’s approach and commitment to creating a child safe organisation where children and young people are safe and feel safe; and provides the policy framework for the school’s approach to the Child Safety Standards.
Particular attention will be paid to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, vulnerable children, as well as the safety of children with a disability.
Every person involved in Amsleigh Park Primary School has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role he/she plays individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make.
By enacting the Child Safety Standards it is our intention:
- To provide a safe and caring school environment that meet the needs of all children and addresses their safety and wellbeing as a priority for all staff, parents and students.
- To protect Children from harm.
- To ensure that our school complies with all the requirements of the Child Safe Standards and Ministerial Order 1359 and apply these requirements to all staff, contractors, volunteers and any other member of the school community involved in child-related work with our students.
- To raise community awareness about the importance of child safety, discuss and scrutinise concerns making it more difficult for abuse to occur or remain hidden.
The following policies directly relate to the Child Safety Standards.
Child Safety Code Of Conduct 2022
Yard Duty And Supervision Policy 2023
Child Safety Reporting Obligations Policy And Procedures 2022
Statement Of School Philosophy 2023
Bullying Prevention Policy 2023